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Wonderland Trail – Day 9

Nickel Creek to Summerland, Aug 16

This was going to be a big day and one that I’d had some concerns about. We needed to travel over 11 miles and had at least 4000 feet of elevation gain, which put it at the top of the range of any day hike I’d ever done before. It would also take us to the highest elevation on the entire trip, about 7000 feet. On the other hand, some of my concerns were because I’d been initially misreading the map and thought we had more than 5000 feet of gain and I’d been steeling myself for that. When I realized the error and that it was ‘only’ 4000 feet I felt much more optimistic about it.

Uphill, out of Nickel Creek and it wasn’t long before the trees started to thin out and we reached a ridge where we had some views of the area. We also passed a family of marmots who were almost completely unconcerned about our passing by. Mom and dad sat on a rock while two kids played. There was still a lot of beargrass in bloom, amazing views everywhere, and we began our descent to Indian Bar.

Above Indian Bar

Indian Bar and Summerland are the two most popular campsites on the entire trail, and they fell last on our hike because placing them that far out was the only way we could complete the circuit when I went to get the permit. I can see why they are so popular. The downhill to the camp was a nice respite.

We had lunch at the little creek below the cabin. The downside of having that bit of downhill was that now we had to go back UP, and the climb out of Indian Bar was long, steep, and exposed. K & I suggested to the two younger members of the group (younger than me by 15 and 30 years) that maybe they should go ahead at their own pace to get to Summerland before us and try to grab one of the better campsites. I handed over the permit and they started out.

Climbing up out of Indian Bar
Looking back the way we had come

The climb was hot and we decided to go as slowly as we wanted and to take many breaks. We eventually got up into some snowfields to cross which gave us the opportunity to cool off. Kim made a snowball and started to carry it with her so I dubbed it the ‘snow baby’. Looking out at all the open grass below us, I started to talk about how we hadn’t seen any mountain goats on the trip and I was somewhat disappointed. I’d seen some at a distance on a day hike to Burroughs and thought we would encounter more. While talking, and scanning the fields far below I finally saw a little white speck of ‘snow’ that I realized was moving. We watched for a while and confirmed that there was, indeed, a single goat visible far, far away. But there was no point in trying to take a photo. It didn’t look like anything. I promised to work on my goat-summoning magical powers, and we hiked on.

Now and then we’d catch a glimpse of hikers ahead of us which we presumed were S & R, but we weren’t able to confirm that until we reached Summerland and could talk to them.
But my goat summoning paid off! Just before we reached Panhandle Gap, the highest point, I looked to my left and there was a goat RIGHT THERE walking almost parallel to us. We were in a very open area so he had to have been following alongside for quite a while before we noticed him. Once spotted, and once it became apparent that our paths were slowly converging, he ran to get ahead of us.

He decided to run to get ahead of us just as we reached the gap. We stopped here for a break and to survey our options. We knew there was a hazardous ‘snow bridge’ here and one look at it told us we weren’t going to take that path (photo below). This is the main path, but the snow that lingered on it had melted out below so to stay on the path you had to walk on a bridge of snow of unknown thickness while everything underneath it had melted out. It looked very easy to either slip off of it or punch through unexpectedly.

Instead of risking that we opted to scramble down the talus slope to the left. This was slow going, and I heard later, S’s least favorite part of the trail. I thought she’d love it because it reminded me of jumping around on the boulders at the Carbon River, but apparently, during her descent, she rested her weight on a very large boulder and it MOVED. And that made her very untrusting of everything around her.

This part of the landscape looked like the surface of the moon to me, and made me a little sad because I imagine it used to mostly be glacier, but now we could see Summerland below us. We had one more dubious crossing – it was only a creek, but there was no bridge and the rock-hopping prospects were not great. K finally decided to go for it and jumped onto some big rocks. I considered it, then chickened out and instead put on my sandals and waded across at a spot where I could see the bottom.


S & R had a great spot for us. It was a little far from the toilet, but also far from other campsites for privacy and close to a nice view. We had our supper near a marmot friend and they told us about the slight incident. Apparently when they got there and started setting up camp, another hiker kept aggressively asking, multiple times, if they were going to stay *there* and if they had a permit. (They were and they did). From the tone of it, I think this hiker might have thought that both S & R were teenagers off on a lark. In reality: S is a Jr in college and R is a PROFESSOR.

This was our last full day so I did my best to eat as much food as possible so I wouldn’t have to carry it. We planned to get up early the next morning to watch the sunrise and we were expecting K’s sister to hike in to meet us.

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Wonderland Trail – Day 8

Paradise River to Nickel Creek, August 15

The good: waterfalls with narrow steep sides, reflection lake, Box Canyon, Sylvia Falls, Martha Falls. There was a bathroom with flush toilets and a sink!

Our destination was Nickel Creek, a short way past Box Canyon, which is one of the potential trailheads for those starting on the Wonderland Trail. That means it has some facilities and parking. If I was going to bail because of my ankle, Box Canyon was my last chance. I decided that I could just take a little more naproxen and it’d be good despite being a little concerned about our upcoming 12 mile day. The day started cold but then warmed up so by the time we got to reflection lake I wanted to change my shirt. The problem is that it’s right by the main road and tourists kept walking up. I just tried to be quick about it.

The bad: Eroding, scary trails that crumbled beneath us. Toothbrush failure. I’m still lactose intolerant and apparently the cheese in the 4-cheese mashed potatoes is an issue. Someone opening a cooler at the parking lot asked if ‘anyone’ wanted snacks but didn’t mean us. And we wanted snacks.

The photo doesn’t really show how bad that section of trail was. Even my friends who were striding confidently across all those questionable bridges thought this was sketchy. 10.9 miles

Friendly NPC here to give us a quest.
Box Canyon
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Wonderland Trail – Day 7

Pyramid Creek to Paradise River, Aug 14

Today was a cache day! We left Pyramid Creek, crossed the terrible Kautz creek (no bridge), and headed to Rampart Ridge – a place I’ve been snowshoeing before but I didn’t recognize any of it without snow. We encountered more and more people until we finally reached Longmire and the bathroom with flush toilets and a sink! We dubbed this destination “Lothlorien” – a place for rest and recovery. K’s sister and her fiancee were there to meet us with supplies (drinks, chocolate, baby wipes, extra toilet paper). We picked up our second cache, washed up as much as possible in the sink, and then had a little party at a picnic table.

K’s sister walked with us part way to our next campsite before turning back and we kept going through a flatter, more forested part of the trail following the Paradise River. When we stopped to rest at a waterfall we met several groups going the other way and exchanged information. One of these was a group of two ladies who stopped to chat with us. Becky and Kathleen were both in their early-mid seventies and were doing the full circuit in 13 days (with a stay at a lodge in the middle). They were so sweet, told us about how they had a mix of ultra lightweight gear combined with some really antique stuff that weighed far too much. I’d been stressing a little bit about my ankle, but this screwed up my resolve to see it through to the end. This was also when we decided that our group should do this hike again, as a reunion, in 20 years. I’ll be the same age as Kathleen and Becky. 6.9 miles

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Wonderland Trail – Day 6

S Puyallup to Pyramid Creek, August 13

The next morning we began the climb up from the South Puyallup river along Emerald Ridge, and this was one of the most spectacular views in the whole park. It was also a little sad because we could see where the glacier USED to run straight down the valley and it has retreated significantly. The Wonderland Trail was originally a service trail for park staff to monitor the park and wasn’t designed for tourism. When they decided to open it up for public use the goal was to have the trail ‘kiss’ the edges of the glaciers, and I’m sure it did when it was built.

Edge of the glacier visible on the left
Friendly Marmot checking us out

All things must end, and after skirting Emerald Ridge we dropped back into the trees by crossing this moderately scary bridge.

We then passed into another very pretty area, “Indian Henry’s Hunting Ground” which featured one of the old patrol cabins that still looks to be in use. And we made a small detour to visit Mirror Lakes.

From here we wound up back in some rather buggy forest, past Devil’s Dream Creek and to our campsite on Pyramid Creek. I wasn’t able to get a good photograph but these creeks were in very deep slot-like canyons that I found fascinating. I might need to hang around all day waiting for good light to do them justice. This was also around the time I noticed my ankle was bothering me but since we had a few short days ahead I wasn’t too worried about it yet.

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Wonderland Trail – Day 5

Golden Lakes to S Puyallup, Aug 12

Berries! Early we went through an area called the Silver Forest – named for dead, bleached-white trees. It was hot enough to swim in St Andrews Lake and we had fantastic views of Bear Rock, Tokaloo Rock and Spire. Much sturdier bridges today and we passed the remnant of a ruined stone bridge and road that used to lead to the N Puyallup. We passed through Klapatchee Park which was another highly rated campground with a lake and unobstructed views of Rainier. The pond was full of tadpoles. We spent the night at S. Puyallup, which didn’t have high ratings from other campers, but did have a very interesting basalt column formation located near the toilet called the “colonnades”. We opted to have dinner down there and referred to it as “dining at the colonnades” which sounds a lot like a posh restaurant. 12 miles total

We were now half way. S was feeling much better about our pace and had started to lead the group.

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Wonderland Trail – Day 4

Mowich Lake to Golden Lakes, August 11

We woke up to wet tents and gear and slept in a little to try to let things dry. It was much warmer today but shady. Early in the day we met the trail crew that had been working on rebuilding bridges. Just the day before we’d learned from another ranger that the bridge across the S. Mowich was in. Back when I was booking these trips I knew that sometimes the bridges hadn’t been placed and you might have to ford the rivers, and I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting that to look like, but on day 0, when we were camped next to the White River, I knew that I did NOT want to ford anything here they called a ‘river’. The White River was a boulder field with a jet of rock sludge shooting out of a glacier. It was a gray-brown cataract and standing next to it I was aware of a vibration and a low rumble, which I realized was the sound of boulders rolling beneath the water. Now I presume that they wouldn’t be advising hikers to cross exactly THAT, but so far the Carbon and a few other crossings had looked just as bad.

No matter how much I complain about the bridges being scary, they are a big improvement!

The crew did a great job with this bridge. Not scary!

We climbed a long uphill to Golden Lakes where we met a ranger in residence at a little log cabin. Golden Lakes was lovely. We were so hot when we got there that we jumped into the water. I don’t have many photos from today and it’s partly because I didn’t want to start snapping away when we (or other campers) were partially undressed. There were mosquitos at the campsite so we stayed near the lake where there was a breeze to cook our dinner. We met several other hikers sharing the site with us and also spoke to some trail runners. There were a ton of people we’d passed on the trail, carrying almost nothing and heading north past us. At Golden Lakes we met one of the organizers who was running ‘sweep’ to make sure all their runners made it safely to Mowich. They were doing the whole loop in 3 days: 31 miles per day. And they said, ‘well, it’s easier because we aren’t carrying all that gear’. Friends – let me tell you that I would not be covering 31 miles with or without gear.

We went up to a lookout point near the tents to watch the sunset with other campers. Two of our fellow campers were from BC and had suggestions for hikes there: Porto Cove, Garibaldi, and the West Coast Trail, all in BC

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Dubious Water Crossings on the Wonderland Trail

On day 3 I had to cross MANY “bridges” that I deemed ‘sketchy’. Most of these bridges were logs that had been smoothed on one side with a railing bolted on. But sometimes the railing was broken, or loose, or leaned so far away that I couldn’t reach it, or sometimes the whole log had rolled a bit and now was at an angle. I am NOT a fan of these things. I’m not a fan of heights and I don’t trust my balance as much as I did when I was younger.

I eventually came up with a rating system of ‘banana peels’ to describe how likely I thought it was that I would plunge off of one to my death. Here is the moment that inspired the rating system, but I want to note that this was not the scariest bridge I crossed this day. That honor went to the broken slanted log we crossed before I started documenting them. I had to scoot across that one on my butt.

4 banana peel bridge over the Carbon River

One banana peel.   This is a solid bridge.  It’s wide, flat, no rotten boards.  You’d feel comfortable letting someone pass. You can hang out here and take photos.  I would walk backwards across this bridge.

Two banana peels.  Still a solid bridge.  It’s comfortable to walk across and stop on.  It might not be wide enough for passing, or, if it’s a wide bridge, maybe there are some rotten boards you need to watch out for.

Three banana peels.  There’s something not great about this bridge.  Is it missing a handrail when it needs one?  Is it too narrow?  It’s slanted at an uncomfortable angle.  Maybe it’s very high and narrow, or it moves a bit.  I’ll still walk across it at a normal pace but there’s something about it to give me pause.

Four banana peels.  Something has gone seriously wrong here.  Who built this thing? I’m walking sideways or slide-stepping to cross this.  It’s wet and narrow, or there’s a vertigo-inducing whirling cataract below it and it moves. Multiple points of failure. 

Five banana peels.  How has it come to this?  I’m questioning my life choices that have led me down this path. I’ll still cross it, slowly, but I’m muttering obscenities, or curses, or prayers.

Six banana peels. This is probably not a bridge but something that has to be crossed anyway.  It’s a rotten, slanted, broken log.  Bonus if it’s wet.  It’s a stack of slippery logs over a raging torrent.  I’m not walking on it.  If it must be crossed I’m crawling or scooting on my butt.

7+ banana peels.  I’m not crossing it.

Since the bank of the Carbon river seemed to be crumbling there were something like 6 bridges over parts of it even after we’d crossed the main bridge. I didn’t take pictures of them all but some of the bridge designs were quite unique.

Now that’ I had a rating system I started to pay more attention to other bridges as we came to them.

R not finding this as terrifying as I found it. 4-peel bridge. Handrail ends before the end of the bridge.

Here are some very safe 1-banana peel bridges

These are all in the 2-3 Banana Peel Category. Nothing too terrifying, but I had to steel myself for a few.

I should have taken better notes. I know that some bridges turned out to be not as scary as they looked, and some that looked safe in the photo felt terrifying when I was there. Clearly I have to go back. But here are two standouts.

The Tahoma Creek Suspension Bridge is where I gave everyone a scare. It was really high and narrow and there was a sign saying only one person at a time. I asked to go first on the theory that I’d get it over with and could take pictures of everyone else crossing. What happened: I got about 30 feet out and stopped abruptly and my friends thought maybe I was starting to panic. What happened was I stepped out of the shelter of the canyon wall and was suddenly in high winds which started to blow my hat off. I had to stop and I stuck the string from my hat in my mouth so I could keep going. I rate it a 3 banana peel.

The Tahoma Creek Suspension Bridge.

This atrocity. I think this was the crossing of the Kautz Creek (it may have been Pyramid) just before Longmire. The creek had a shallow spot and if I’d really wanted to avoid it I could have put on my sandals and waded across, but S threw down the gauntlet by scouting upstream a little to find this not-a-bridge, pile of wet logs that she hopped over to cross. What you can’t see is that she tried to use a stick to brace in the water and the stick almost vanished because that little bit of creek is both fast and easily 3 feet deep. I got across it by putting my feet on the lower log, the one in the water, my hands on the upper one and crab-walking over it. My feet got a little wet. 6 banana peels.

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Wonderland Trail – Day 3

Yellowstone Cliffs to Mowich Lake, Aug 10

Today we planned to split the party. K & R really wanted to hike the “Spray Park” section of the trail, which sounds beautiful, but my daughter said she wasn’t used to the pace yet and was unsure about committing to an additional thousand feet of elevation gain and 3 miles. Two days later she’ll be charging ahead of everyone while holding a coffee mug casually, but she wasn’t ready yet.

The day started sunny but we saw the fog in the Carbon River valley below us, and we followed the trail down into the fog. We hiked together down to the Carbon River turnoff and split up. At that point my daughter and I promptly got lost.

The Carbon River Bridge is one that had washed out multiple times and been replaced so when we came out of the forest in the fog, it wasn’t immediately clear where the bridge WAS. Scanning around we spotted flagging that led us over river cobbles to the north until we finally spied the bridge in the distance. I did NOT like this bridge. I have this quick panning shot of it that doesn’t really show why it was scary. The river was fast and dangerous, you could hear the rumble of rocks being turned over in it, the bridge was high above the water, and at a few points the railing pulled so far away from the main log that I couldn’t reach it. Or if it DID try to reach it I’d have to be resting all my weight on it, which seemed like a really bad idea. I hated this bridge.

Also it moved under my weight

We’d gone quite a ways north to find the bridge and so I assumed we’d have to backtrack to a spot parallel with where we left the trees to get back on the trail on the other side. I was wrong about that. But that’s what we did, walking right past some flagging in the fog, and following the river bed upstream to the south. Eventually we found ourselves scrambling over boulders and hopping on rocks, which was when I had the idea to check the mapping app to see what the problem was. We’d walked right past the trail and were now running parallel past an old section that had been abandoned due to washouts.

This is not the trail

All told it took us an hour to get from the trail on the east bank to the trail on the west bank after all the boulder hopping, getting lost, and then stopping for a snack. S said this was her favorite part of the trail (where we got lost) because it was more technically challenging.

But we were back on course now! This next section, as we headed toward Ipsut Creek had a lot more hikers on it (since we were somewhat near a big trail access point) and also featured perhaps 5 or 6 more bridges over parts of the Carbon River that had fallen in.

The fog never lifted as we went along the Carbon River, or when we turned up Ipsut Creek toward Ipsut pass. I think I’d like to come back here in the sun as I feel I probably missed out on some good views as we gained more and more elevation, but even in the fog the trail was full of tiny waterfalls and narrow, magical little grottos.

We took a break between the two cliffs at the top of the pass before taking our time heading gently down to Mowich Lake. This is a bigger campground, accessible by car and the location of our first food cache. So while it spoiled the atmosphere of being deep in the wilderness, we also had access to lots of snacks. Snacks were important! Sometime on day 1 we’d started talking about Lord of the Rings, assigned ourselves hobbit names, and stressing the importance of hobbit meals. This turned out to be useful for everyone as a pattern of taking multiple small meals throughout the day was what wound up working best to keep everyone safe and happy. Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevensies, Lunch, Tea, Dinner, and Supper. On most days we’d reached our campsite by Tea time.

We had a harder time than you might expect finding the campsite at Mowich Lake because there were little trails everywhere but no signs. Eventually we found it, pitched our tent, found the cache and waited for K & R to meet us. It rained some that evening but not before we had a chance to see another visitor. This time a mama bear and her TWO cubs. I saw both of the cubs but, again, didn’t get a photo of them. Although she is cinnamon-brown in color, she is a black bear. You can see how close she was to the tent sites.

To recap: on day 1 we saw one bear. On day 2 we saw two bears. On day 3 we saw three bears. We felt that this might get really exciting by day 10, but alas, we would see no more bears for the rest of the trip.

(edit) My notes from the trail
Deer, snakes, banana slug. Hiked down (long way down!) to the river where we split – sending Frodo and Sam down the river while Merry and Pippin entered Fangorn.
It took us an hour to cross the river because 1) the bridge was hard to reach (boulders) and then we got lost – walking past the trailhead and scrambling up the riverbed until we realized our mistake. Along the river were many scary bridges but it was flat until past Ipsut. We began the slow incline past many waterfalls & mossy rocks.
Last mile was very steep and overgrown. We emerged between 2 towering cliffs pursued by fog. Easy descent to Mowich where we got lost again. Heavy mist -> rain. Cider was amazing! K & R arrived about 1 hour after us (5pm). Cinnamon bear and 2 cubs in campground.

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Wonderland Trail – Day 2

Berkeley Camp to Yellowstone Cliffs

Just one overnight put us on a much less traveled part of the park. The farther we got from Sunrise the fewer other hikers we saw, and while we shared our camp with 2 other groups our first night, we would have Yellowstone Cliffs to ourselves. Our trip was going counterclockwise and most people do the route clockwise. This meant that we didn’t have the experience of traveling alongside a similarly-paced group for multiple days.

More wildflowers, including avalanche lilies which we did not see in other parts of the park. There were more tadpoles than I expected in some of these mountain pools, I suppose I thought it would be too cold for them, but where the water was shallow they were full of tadpoles.

North of Berkeley Camp there was a huge open field with a trail that branched off to another destination (perhaps we will go back one day). This area reminded me of Valles Caldera in New Mexico.

This area had a many tiny waterfalls and jagged peaks, even when we couldn’t see Rainier itself.

We got to this viewpoint and realized we had to climb ALL THE WAY down to that river, then all the way back up the mountain on the other side. Who booked this itinerary anyway? Oh yeah – that was me.

The Abyss – who planned this trip anyway?

We weren’t 100% alone at Yellowstone Cliffs. When we arrived there was a mama bear and her cub nosing around between the campsite and the pit toilet. We talked loudly to each other until she moved on. I didn’t get a photo of the baby, but I did get a pretty good one of mama.

mama bear
Yellowstone Cliffs from near the campsite

(edit) My notes from the trail:
Left Berkeley @7AM and hiked to Grand Park – reminded me of Valle Grande + why are there no trees here? 2nd Breakfast. Hiked down into the Abyss for elevenses. Note that I am Sam, S is Pippin, K is Frodo, R is Merry. We want to watch LoTR when we get back. Crossed a scary log before the bridge (also scary), then hiked uphill forever. 11+ miles and over 3k feet.
S thinks Little Tahoma looks like a moving castle that has remained still too long. At WIndy Gap – beautiful streams and a lake where we rested. Yellowstone cliffs are amazing. Bears and deer in campsite. Arrived 6pm. Tomorrow we Split The Party. Saw frogs, deer, bears, salamander.

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Wonderland Trail – Day 1

White River to Berkeley Camp Aug 8

Back in August I had the chance to check something off my bucket list – I don’t really have a bucket list but this trek was definitely a goal. There are so many epic hikes in Washington and every year I apply for permits to at least a few with the understanding that most of them won’t pan out. This year I won a slot to book an early itinerary on the Wonderland Trail. For those who don’t know, the Wonderland is a 93 mile trail that circumnavigates Mount Rainier. It is not a climbing permit and I did not summit Rainier. Winning the lottery didn’t actually guarantee I could do the whole trail either, at the time I tried to sign up I was only able to book reservations for the ‘northern loop’ but I spoke with my 3 hiking partners and we decided that I would go down to the ranger station the day before and try to switch our permit to a whole loop. This was a bit of a gamble but it paid off! We were able to get all our desired sites plus our final days camp at the coveted “Summerland” campsite and complete the full loop. We spent that night at the drive-up campsite at White River and on the morning of August 8, set out on our journey. Our hiking group was me, my daughter S, a local friend K, and her good hiking buddy from out of state R. My daughter and I shared a tent but the other two each brought their own.

The day started off with a steep uphill from White River to Sunrise, followed by some rolling terrain along the Wonderland, then diverting north onto the “Northern Loop”. For those playing along at home – yes this means we wound up doing more than 93 miles of the regular Wonderland, we did the “super wonderland.” In the meadows below Sunrise we saw our first bear browsing around and minding his own business about 50 feet off the trail.

Bugs were bad at Berkeley. I’m still not sure if some locations were buggier than others, or if some days weather conditions promoted more bugs than others. There were so many wildflowers! I no longer have exact mileage for each day but most days were between 10 and 11 miles, with our shortest day being just under 8 and our longest day being about 12 miles with between 2000 to 3000 feet of elevation gain. This was a shorter day so we’d have an easier one when we set out.

(edit) My actual notes from the trail:
On the trail by 730AM. Up the big hill. Met 3 girls who recognized R from another long distance hike. 2nd Breakfast at Sunrise. Saw a Bear, ground squirrels, a frog, butterflies. Lots of mosquitos and flies. Reached Berkeley @2pm, So many Wildflowers. Passed a creek that went underground.