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Wonderland Trail – Day 2

Berkeley Camp to Yellowstone Cliffs

Just one overnight put us on a much less traveled part of the park. The farther we got from Sunrise the fewer other hikers we saw, and while we shared our camp with 2 other groups our first night, we would have Yellowstone Cliffs to ourselves. Our trip was going counterclockwise and most people do the route clockwise. This meant that we didn’t have the experience of traveling alongside a similarly-paced group for multiple days.

More wildflowers, including avalanche lilies which we did not see in other parts of the park. There were more tadpoles than I expected in some of these mountain pools, I suppose I thought it would be too cold for them, but where the water was shallow they were full of tadpoles.

North of Berkeley Camp there was a huge open field with a trail that branched off to another destination (perhaps we will go back one day). This area reminded me of Valles Caldera in New Mexico.

This area had a many tiny waterfalls and jagged peaks, even when we couldn’t see Rainier itself.

We got to this viewpoint and realized we had to climb ALL THE WAY down to that river, then all the way back up the mountain on the other side. Who booked this itinerary anyway? Oh yeah – that was me.

The Abyss – who planned this trip anyway?

We weren’t 100% alone at Yellowstone Cliffs. When we arrived there was a mama bear and her cub nosing around between the campsite and the pit toilet. We talked loudly to each other until she moved on. I didn’t get a photo of the baby, but I did get a pretty good one of mama.

mama bear
Yellowstone Cliffs from near the campsite

(edit) My notes from the trail:
Left Berkeley @7AM and hiked to Grand Park – reminded me of Valle Grande + why are there no trees here? 2nd Breakfast. Hiked down into the Abyss for elevenses. Note that I am Sam, S is Pippin, K is Frodo, R is Merry. We want to watch LoTR when we get back. Crossed a scary log before the bridge (also scary), then hiked uphill forever. 11+ miles and over 3k feet.
S thinks Little Tahoma looks like a moving castle that has remained still too long. At WIndy Gap – beautiful streams and a lake where we rested. Yellowstone cliffs are amazing. Bears and deer in campsite. Arrived 6pm. Tomorrow we Split The Party. Saw frogs, deer, bears, salamander.

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