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Ink and Wash/Watercolor sketches

Now that the class is over I’m finding it difficult to keep up with the oil painting practice. I SHOULD just dig it out and paint something every day. But I seem to have a mental block where I think of oil painting as ‘hard’ or ‘time consuming’ and have trouble getting started with it. I think this is mostly in my head because aside from needing to clean the brushes I don’t think it really takes all that much time. Still – it’s a barrier. But I don’t seem to have the same problem with ink sketches and watercolor. Or it might be that I consider ink and watercolor to be ‘doodling’ and ‘not serious’ and therefore I don’t feel the need to be as precise. It somehow doesn’t count for me and I’m more willing to let it be flawed.

These are some tiny ink sketches in my notebook. And from here, it’s just a tiny step more to add some color to them.

I really enjoy the line & wash technique. I like practicing getting as much of the value established with the lines and then adding color as a little ‘extra’

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Mastering Composition – Class by Ian Roberts

I enrolled in a composition class taught by Ian Roberts. All of our exercises were about 4×6″ and done on smooth bristol with a pencil. I haven’t used just pencils for quite a while, and never exactly like this so there was a fairly steep learning curve just for me to be able to feel like I could make effective marks on the page. Luckily he seemed aware of this and the earliest exercises were all about making smooth shapes and gradients before we ever tried to really draw anything.

The class was self-paced, but there are advantages to keeping up in that you can expect better feedback from your ‘buddy’ – the other students in the class.

Note – I wrote this post LAST YEAR and then left it sitting in drafts for 10 months. I’m going to try to get caught up to current day.

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Urban Sketching

I’ve had a recent obsession with fountain pens, dip pens, pen and ink, and watercolor sketching. I’ll probably post my thoughts on fountain pen paper later. But all this led me to the world of Urban sketching – which I like because it leans into some of my strengths, namely, playing with ink, being impatient, and accuracy not mattering as much as mood and gesture.

I’ve talked to some friends and we are planning to check out some local Urban Sketch clubs but in the meantime I thought I’d see if my current mixed media sketchbook could handle a little ink/watercolor. This was fun! I decided I liked purple. All the linework is done with purple india ink (although I know it looks black). Paper is Canson XL Mixed Media 160g. It buckled under the wash but dried flat enough again.

I’m also taking a composition class online from an artist I admire. I may post those images here as well eventually. So far we’ve been focusing on ‘going slow’ and ‘being careful’ – my weakness!

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Daily Art – Black and White

In September I decided to restart doing one sketch or painting a day, every day. I get thrown off by life or, specifically, camping sometimes but I’ve been overall good about it and I feel like it’s getting easier with less effort. Half of these are from my own photos, about half from photos on Unsplash and one is a copy of a Georgia O’Keeffe.

Part of what I mean when I say it’s getting easier is that I have fewer obvious failures. This is not everything I did in the month but I didn’t take photos of the stuff that really didn’t work at all – the rate of failure like that has gone down.