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Ink and Wash/Watercolor sketches

Now that the class is over I’m finding it difficult to keep up with the oil painting practice. I SHOULD just dig it out and paint something every day. But I seem to have a mental block where I think of oil painting as ‘hard’ or ‘time consuming’ and have trouble getting started with it. I think this is mostly in my head because aside from needing to clean the brushes I don’t think it really takes all that much time. Still – it’s a barrier. But I don’t seem to have the same problem with ink sketches and watercolor. Or it might be that I consider ink and watercolor to be ‘doodling’ and ‘not serious’ and therefore I don’t feel the need to be as precise. It somehow doesn’t count for me and I’m more willing to let it be flawed.

These are some tiny ink sketches in my notebook. And from here, it’s just a tiny step more to add some color to them.

I really enjoy the line & wash technique. I like practicing getting as much of the value established with the lines and then adding color as a little ‘extra’

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