That’s what I was thinking about all day today. First I fiddled with the settings on the Etsy shop and moved on to ‘what should I make next?’
The only oatmeal-honey soap I have left is from an old tallow batch and I’d like to make a non-tallow version to sell. Cocoa butter would be a good choice and I reviewed my notes about how much honey and oatmeal to use. The hard question: should I add a fragrance or not? Unscented, the oats and honey give the cured soap a faint graham-cracker smell that I like. There is also a very popular fragrance called “oatmeal, milk and honey” that I know is a big seller and I have enough on hand for a batch. The problem: I don’t really care for it. It’s a very almond-vanilla-foodie smell and just a bit too heavy and sweet for my tastes. Leave it out? Use it but go lightly? I haven’t decided but I’ll need to make up my mind before Sunday.
What else? The oatmeal reminded me that should make another exfoliating soap and my household has been after me to make a coffee soap. It will turn dark anyway so this might be a good chance to try my vanillin powder to see if any of the vanilla scent comes through. Add some cocoa powder and a bit of orange essential oil. This is starting to sound more like a cake than soap.
I haven’t got a clue what you should do, but your house is going to smell amazing this Sunday!