What makes a great holiday? For me it’s friends, food and low-key social interaction. Thus this new holiday was born. Sometime after the frantic pace of the winter holidays have passed but before you’re ready for outdoor BBQ it’s time for Hobbit Fest.
The plan: watch all 3 LoTR movies (or all 3 Hobbit Movies, your choice) back to back in a single day while enjoying all 6 hobbit meals: Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Lunch, Tea, Dinner, Supper.
The first year we tried to make authentic meals mentioned in the books (think rabbit) but that turned out to be too much work, and this holiday is about food and hanging around.
This year we are doing a potluck and my contributions will be coffee, eggs, bacon, tiny pancakes with strawberries and cream, hard cider, fresh-baked bread with jam and butter and, during a lull in the movies, potato latkes with sour cream and applesauce.
I think this should become an official holiday.
I second the motion, although I keep seeing in my mind’s eye everyone wearing giant hobbit’s feet slippers.
We did not have giant hobbit feet, but I’ll take it into consideration for next year. There’s also some discussion of introducing not-only food breaks when we change disks, but also some quick weapons training practice to get a little exercise in.