For the last few years my garden has fallen into disarray. Some of that was laziness on my part and some was circumstance, but this year, my youngest child has expressed an interest in having her own garden patch and I therefore purchased seeds.
I can only garden in a smallish areas so I’m going to have extras. If you are local to me and want some, or want to exchange seeds, let me know! I would especially like to have someone else try to germinate the blue poppies with me. They are amazing but I think I’ve had trouble with them in the past.
Vegetables & herbs: cherry tomato, cucumber, blue lake pole beans, snap peas, rainbow carrots, dill, parsley. I have asparagus and strawberry plants for the taking
Flowers & ornamental: coleus, calendula, red yarrow, california poppies, blue himalayan poppies, nasturtium.
What I want: oxalis, compact ornamentals that do well in shade, things that are easy to grow and don’t take up tons of space.
Geez, five minutes of sun here and the green thumb starts itching. 😀 Same here, except I’m looking for two camellias, a purple rhodie, and sweet peas.
I’m late! I should have bought my seeds in January. I have a camellia in front of my house that has at least one low branch that sent out roots. Do you want it?